how to pronounce philippi in the bible

The resident, aged between 18 to 26, were kille.. Sam Philippi has worked for almost a year to get back onto the field after getting hip surgery, and he now has an opportunity to play for the Red and Blue once again. This free audio Bible name pronunciation guide is a valuable tool in your study of Gods word. ee'vuhl-MER-uh-dak] * [ exalt; exaltation] * [ (compare: exult; exultation) - exalt; exaltation - 1 Peter 5:6 (g5312); James 1:9 (g5311) - ig-ZAWLT; eg'zawl'TAY-shuhn, ek'sawl'-] * [ execrate - execrate - Numbers 22:11 (h6895) - EK-suh-krayt', -sih-] * [ exegesis* (compare eisegesis) - - it "Lord" - ek'suh-JEE-suhs, EK-suh-jee'suhs] * [ exegete* - - w95 3/1 30 - EK-sih-jeet', -suh-] * [ exegetical* - - ip-2 8 - ek'sih-JET-ih-kuhl, -suh-] * [ exhort - exhort - Romans 16:17 (g3870) - ig-ZAWRT (listen)] * [ Exiguus (Dionysius)* - - it "Chronology (Eras)" - eg-ZIH-gyuh-wuhs, eg-ZIG-yoo-uhs, ek-SIG-] * [ exilic* - - it "Captivity" - eg-ZIL-ik, ek-SIL-] * [ existentialism* - - w95 4/15 5 - eg'zis(')-TEN(T)-shuh-lih'zuhm, ek'sis(')-] * [ Exodus, exodus - Exodus (Bible book), exodus - Hebrews 11:22 (g1841) - EK-suh-duhs] * [ exorcise* - - it "Demon Possession" - EK-sor-si z('), -suhr-] * [ exorcist - ("practiced the casting out of demons" in NW) - Acts 19:13 Yg (g1845) - EK-sor-sist', -suhst] * [ expiation - ("make atonement" in NW) - Deuteronomy 32:43 ASV, JPS - ek'spee-AY-shuhn] * [ expiatory* - - w92 12/15 4 - EK-spee-uh-tohr'ee, -tawr'ee] * [ expository* - - w98 7/15 11 par. Help other readers develop natural sounding intonation by addressing reductions, which are created when people eliminate certain sounds or syllables in words when they speak naturally. soon-ED-ree-on (listen)] * [ Sanskrit*] * [ (also Sanscrit) - - g82 11/22 22 - SAN-skrit('), SAN(T)-skruht] * [ Sapphira - Sapphi'ra - Acts 5:1 (g4551) - suh-FI -ruh] * [ sapphire - sapphire - Job 28:16 (h5601); Revelation 21:19 (g4552) - SAF-i r'] * [ Saqqara*] * [ (also Sakkara) - - it "Architecture (Early Post-Flood Construction)" - su-KAHR-uh (listen)] * [ Sarah - Sarah, it Sar'ah - Genesis 17:15 (h8283) - SER-uh, SAR-uh, SER-ah, (also SAY-ruh)] * [ Sarai - Sar'ai - Genesis 11:29 (h8297) - SAIR-i, SER-i, (also SAR-ay-i)] * [ sarcophagus*] * [ (pl. If you go to your temporary url (http://ip/~username/) and get this error, there maybe a problem with the rule set stored in an .htaccess file. Learn how to say Philippi with EmmaSaying free pronunciation tutorials. Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce C words in the Bible: [ cab] * [ (cabe, kab in some Bibles) - cab - 2 Kings 6:25 (h6894) - KAB] * [ Cabala*; Cabalistic* - - w00 4/1 29 - kuh-BAW-luh, KAB-uh-luh; kah'buh-LIS-tik, kab'uh-] * [ caduceus* - - it "Diseases and Treatment" - kuh-DOO-see-uhs, -syoos, -shuhs, -DYOO-, (listen)] * [ Caesar - Caesar, it Cae'sar - Matthew 22:17 (g2541) - SEE-zuhr] * [ Caesarea - Caesare'a - Acts 8:40 (g2542) - ses'uh-REE-uh] * [ Caesarean* - - it "Caesar" - sih-ZAR-ee-uhn, -ZER-] * [ Caesarea Philippi - Caesare'a Philip'pi - Mark 8:27 (g2542, g5376) - ses'uh-ree'uh fih-LIP-i, ses'uh-REE-uh fuh-LIP-i] * [ Caesaropapism* - - g01 10/8 15 - see'zuh-roh-PAY-piz-uhm] * [ Caiaphas - Ca'iaphas - Matthew 26:3 (g2533) - KAY-uh-fuhs] * [ Cainan] * [ (aka Kenan) - Cai'nan - Genesis 5:9 KJ (h7018); Luke 3:37 (g2536) - KAY-nuhn, kay-I -nuhn] * [ Caius] * [ (Gaius in most Bibles) - ("Gaius" in NW) - Romans 16:23 DRB (g1053) - KAY-uhs] * [ Calah - Ca'lah - Genesis 10:11 (h3625) - KAY-luh, KAY-lah] * [ calamus - calamus - Exodus 30:23 (h7070) - KAL-uh-muhs] * [ caldron] * [ (also cauldron) - caldron - 1 Samuel 2:14 (h7037) - KAWL-druhn] * [ Caligula* - - it "Caesar" - kuh-LIG-yuh-luh] * [ caliph* - - w92 10/1 5 - KAY-luhf, KA-luhf] * [ Calneh - Cal'neh - Genesis 10:10 (h3641) - KAL-neh, -nee, KAL-nuh] * [ calumny (bad report, cursed, evil report, ill repute, insulted, oppression, slandered in some Bibles) - ("oppression" and "bad report"in NW) - Isaiah 59:13 DRB (h6233); 2 Corinthians 6:8 We (g1426) - KAL-uhm-nee, also KAL-yuhm-nee] * [ Calvary] * [ (Golgotha, [The] Skull in some Bibles) - ("Skull" in NW) - Luke 23:33 KJ (g2898) - KAL-v(uh-)ree] * [ Calvinism* - - sh 321 - KAL-vuh-nih'zuhm] * [ Cambyses* - - dp 52 - kam-BI -seez] * [ camelopardalus] * [ (chamois, moufflon, mountain sheep, wild sheep in some Bibles) - ("chamois" in NW) - Deuteronomy 14:5 DRB (h2169) - kuh-mel'uh-PAHR-duh-luhs] * [ Cana - Ca'na - John 2:1 (g2580) - KAY-nuh] * [ Canaan - Ca'naan - Genesis 11:31 (h3667) - KAY-nuhn] * [ Canaanite - Ca'naanite - Genesis 10:19 (h3669) - KAY-nuh-ni t] * [ Cananaean - Cananae'an - Matthew 10:4 (g2581) - kay-nuh-NEE-uhn] * [ Candace - Canda'ce - Acts 8:27 (g2582) - kan-DAY-see] * [ canonicity* - - it "Canon" - ka'nuh-NIH-suh-tee] * [ Canticles] * [ (aka The Song of Solomon) - (Bible book) - Song of Solomon 1:1 ftn. if (verticalpos=="fromtop"){ On the other hand, good Biblical pronunciation will make people understand you easily and be willing to listen to you. Examples: dog (1 syllable) mo ney (2 syllable) a part ment (3 syllables) In words with more than one syllable, one of those syllables will be said louder and longer than the others. che'sedh - Micah 6:8 ftn. From Bible commentaries, to study tools, be sure to check out our complete reference list of books that will help you as you study and teach God's word. (h7225) - ber-uh-SHITH, BER-uh-shith] * [ Bernice - Berni'ce - Acts 25:13 (g959) - ber-NI -see, ber-NEES] * [ Beroea] * [ (Berea in some Bibles, modern Vroia or Veria, Macedonia) - Beroe'a - Acts 17:10 (g960) - bih-REE-uh] * [ Berossus* - - dp 17 - buh-ROS-suhs] * [ beryl - beryl - Revelation 21:20 (g969) - BEHR-uhl] * [ besom ("broom") - ("broom" in NW) - Isaiah 14:23 AS, Douay (h4292) - BEE-zuhm] * [ bestiality* - - it "Bestiality" - bes'chee-AL-ih-tee, bees'-] * [ Bethany - Beth'any - Matthew 26:6 (g963) - BETH-uh-nee] * [ Beth-eden - Beth-e'den - Amos 1:5 (h1040) - beth-EE-duhn] * [ Bethel] * [ (aka Luz) - Beth'el - Genesis 28:19 (h1008) - BETH-uhl, BETH-el] * [ Beth-ezel - Beth-e'zel - Micah 1:11 (h1018) - beth-EE-zuhl, beth-EE-zehl] * [ Bethlehem - Beth'lehem - Genesis 35:19 (h1035) - BETH-lih-hem(') (listen), also BETH-lee-uhm] * [ Bethlehem Ephrathah - Beth'lehem Eph'rathah - Micah 5:2 (h1035, h672) - beth'lih-hem EF-ruh-thuh] * [ Beth-pelet] * [ (Bethphaleth, Beth-phelet in some Bibles) - Beth-pel'et - Nehemiah 11:26 (h1046) - beth-PEE-lit, beth-PEL-it] * [ Bethphage - Beth'phage - Matthew 21:1 (g967) - BETH-fuh-jee] * [ Bethsaida - Bethsa'ida - Matthew 11:21 (g966) - beth-SAY-uh-duh] * [ Bethuel - Bethu'el - Genesis 22:23 (h1328) - bih-THYOO-uhl, buh-THOO-uhl] * [ Bethzatha] * [ (Bethesda, Bethsaida in some Bibles) - Bethza'tha - John 5:2 (g964) - beth-ZAY-thuh] * [ Beulah - ("Owned as a Wife" in NW; it Beu'lah) - Isaiah 62:4 AS, HNV, KJ, WEB (h1166) - BYOO-luh, BYOO-lah] * [ Bezae* - - w90 2/15 24 - BEE-zee] * [ Bezae Cantabrigiensis* - - si 314 - BEE-zee-kan'tuh-brij-ee-EN-sis] * [ Bezalel - Bez'alel - Exodus 31:2 (h1212) - BEZ-uhl-el] * [ Bhagavad Gita* - - sh 103 - bah'guh-vahd' GEE-tuh, BUG-uh-vuhd GEE-tuh] * [ Biblicist* - - w01 5/1 30 - BIB-luh-sist] * [ Bichri - Bich'ri - 2 Samuel 20:2 (h1075) - BIK-ri] * [ Bikath-aven] * [ (Aven Valley, plain of Aven in some Bibles) - Bik'ath-a'ven - Amos 1:5 (h1237 + h206) - bik'ath-AY-ven] * [ Bildad - Bil'dad - Job 2:11 (h1085) - BIL-dad] * [ Bilhah - Bil'hah - Genesis 29:29 (h1090) - BIL-huh, BIL-hah] * [ bishopric - ("office of oversight" in NW) - Acts 1:20 DRB, KJ (g1984) - BIH-shuh-prik('), BISH-uhp-rik] * [ Bithiah - Bithi'ah - 1 Chronicles 4:18 (h1332) - bih-THI -uh] * [ Bithynia - Bithyn'ia - Acts 16:7 (g978) - bih-THIN-ee-uh] * [ bitumen - bitumen, it bitu'men - Genesis 11:3 (h2564) - bi -TOO-muhn, -TYOO-, bih-, BICH-ih-muhn, esp. If your blog is showing the wrong domain name in links, redirecting to another site, or is missing images and style, these are all usually related to the same problem: you have the wrong domain name configured in your WordPress blog. (2.) or "How do I pronounce?" This is available on every Bible name page and shows the phonetic pronunciation of every word. AHS-truh-kuh] * [ ostrich] * [ (owl[s] in some Bibles) - ostrich - Job 30:29 (h3284) - AHS-trich, AWS-, also -trij] * [ Othniel - Oth'niel - Judges 3:9 (h6274) - OTH-nee-uhl, OTH-nee-el] * [ Oxyrhynchus* - - w92 2/15 26-28 - ok'sih-RING-kuhs, ahk'-] * [ Ozem - O'zem - 1 Chronicles 2:15 (h684) - OH-zuhm, OH-zihm] * [ Ozni - Oz'ni - Numbers 26:16 (h244) - OZ-ni] *. This will reset the permalinks and fix the issue in many cases. el.x = startX; Learn how to pronounce hundreds of Bible words with the click of a button - all for free. Biblical Names In Order of Frequency Highest To Lowest, Zechariah, Shemaiah, Azariah, Meshullam, Shimei, Maaseiah, Hananiah, Joel, Jonathan, Joseph, Shallum, Malchiah, Obadiah, Benaiah, Hashabiah, Johanan, Eliezer, Zichri, Jehiel, Jeiel, Jeshua, Jozabad, Mattaniah, Michael, Nethanel, Seraiah, Shephatiah, Zadok, Amariah, Elam, Eliel, Maachah, Shecaniah, Simon, Zebadiah, Abijah, Adaiah, Bani, Elkanah, Hilkiah, Pharaoh, Shelemiah, Zaccur, Ahijah, Eleazar, Eliashib, Hanan, Jeremiah, Jerimoth, Jeroham, Joash, Micah, Pedaiah, Sheba, Uzzi, Zabad, Zerah, Elah, Eliab, Elioenai, Eliphelet, Elishama, Ezer, Hanani, Harim, Hur, Iddo, Ishmael, Jehohanan, Jeshaiah, Judah, Judas, Malluch, Mary, Nathan, Zedekiah, Abihail, Abimelech, Ammihud, Asaiah, Asaph, Azarel, Berechiah, Delaiah, Eliakim, Elihu, Elnathan, Gedaliah, Gera, Hattush, Heber, Immer, Isaiah, Jahath, Jahaziel, Jedaiah, Jehoiada, Jehu, Jeremoth, Jether, Jeush, Jobab, John, Kish, Manasseh, Mattithiah, Micaiah, Obed, Rehum, Saul, Shaphat, Shebaniah, Uriah, Uzziah, Uzziel, Zimri, Abdon, Akkub, Alexander, Amasai, Amaziah, Ammiel, Amminadab, Amon, Asahel, Azmaveth, Azrikam, Baanah, Benjamin, Beriah, Binnui, Eber, Eden, Elasah, Elijah, Enoch, Ethan, Gaius, Hadad, Hasshub, Herod, Hezekiah, Hodaviah, Hoshea, Ishi, Isshiah, Jaazaniah, Jair, James, Jediael, Jehoshaphat, Joah, Joiarib, Joshua, Kenaz, Korah, Levi, Meremoth, Mijamin, Naaman, Nadab, Nethaniah, Omri, Pelatiah, Pethahiah, Rephaiah, Reuel, Shammah, Shammua, Shaphan, Shelomith, Shelomoth, Shema, Shemariah, Sherebiah, Shimri, Simeon, Timna, Uzza, Zabdi, Zephaniah, Abdi, Abinadab, Adiel, Adin, Adonijah, Ahimelech, Ahio, Ahitub, Alemeth, Anah, Ananias, Arah, Aram, Assir, Ater, Athaliah, Attai, Azaziah, Azgad, Azriel, Azzur, Baal, Barzillai, Bebai, Bela, Benhadad, Bethel, Bunni, Caleb, Carmi, Daniel, Darius, Eliada, Elon, Ephah, Epher, Er, Ezra, Gershom, Gilead, Hadoram, Hanun, Haran, Hepher, Hodiah, Igal, Ira, Jachin, Jamin, Jarib, Jehoahaz, Jehozabad, Jerahmeel, Jeuel, Joab, Joram, Jotham, Justus, Kemuel, Mattenai, Meraioth, Mesha, Meshezabel, Miniamin, Mishael, Nahash, Nahath, Nehemiah, Obededom, Paseah, Pashhur, Philip, Phinehas, Ram, Reaiah, Rechab, Shechem, Shelah, Shimea, Shobal, Shubael, Tahath, Tamar, Tarshish, Uri, Uriel, Uz, Zimmah, Ziza, Abda, Abiel, Abiezer, Abigail, Abiram, Abishua, Absalom, Achbor, Achish, Adah, Adna, Adnah, Adrammelech, Agag, Ahab, Ahasuerus, Ahaz, Ahaziah, Ahi, Ahiah, Ahiezer, Ahimaaz, Ahiman, Ahinoam, Ahlai, Aiah, Alphaeus, Amasa, Amnon, Amram, Amzi, Anaiah, Anathoth, Ard, Ariel, Arioch, Asa, Azubah, Baalhanan, Baana, Barsabas, Baruch, Becher, Bedan, Beeri, Beor, Bethany, Bethlehem, Bethsaida, Bezai, Bezalel, Bigvai, Bilgah, Bilhan, Bukki, Buz, Caesar, Calcol, Carmel, Claudius, Conaniah, Cush, Cushi, Deborah, Dedan, Demetrius, Dishon, Dodo, Ebed, Eder, Ehud, Elhanan, Eliam, Eliasaph, Eliehoenai, Eliphaz, Elizaphan, Elzabad, Ephraim, Erastus, Eshcol, Ezbon, Gad, Galal, Gamaliel, Gemariah, Giddel, Gog, Gomer, Guni, Hakkoz, Hanniel, Hariph, Hashabniah, Hashum, Havilah, Hebron, Heldai, Helez, Heman, Hephzibah, Hermes, Hezir, Hezron, Hiram, Hori, Hoshaiah, Hotham, Imnah, Imri, Ishbosheth, Ishmaiah, Ishvi, Ithiel, Ithran, Ittai, Jabin, Jaddua, Jakim, Japhia, Jashobeam, Jashub, Jehallelel, Jehdeiah, Jehoiarib, Jehonathan, Jehoram, Jekamiah, Jephunneh, Jeroboam, Jesus, Jezrahiah, Joha, Joiada, Jonadab, Joshaphat, Josiah, Kadmiel, Kelub, Kenaanah, Kenaniah, Kolaiah, Kore, Laadan, Lamech, Lazarus, Libni, Lucius, Maaziah, Machir, Mahalalel, Mahalath, Mahath, Mahlah, Mahli, Mattan, Mattathias, Matthat, Mehetabel, Melchi, Mephibosheth, Meshillemoth, Mibsam, Mikloth, Milcah, Miriam, Mishma, Mithredath, Moza, Naamah, Nahor, Nahum, Neariah, Nebo, Nemuel, Nepheg, Ner, Nergalsarezer, Noadiah, Noah, Oded, Oholibamah, Ozem, Palti, Pelaiah, Pelet, Peleth, Penuel, Puah, Rahab, Rehob, Rekem, Rezin, Rimmon, Rufus, Sacar, Sallu, Salome, Samuel, Segub, Shaaph, Sharezer, Shebna, Shemer, Shemiramoth, Sheva, Shobab, Shomer, Shua, Shuah, Shuthelah, Sisera, Tabeel, Tahan, Talmai, Teman, Tikvah, Tobiah, Tobijah, Tola, Ulam, Unni, Uthai, Zabbai, Zabdiel, Zerahiah, Zibeon, Ziha, Zillethai, Ziph, Zohar, Zur, Aaron, Abaddon, Abagtha, Abdeel, Abdiel, Abednego, Abel, Abialbon, Abiasaph, Abiathar, Abida, Abidan, Abihu, Abihud, Abimael, Abinoam, Abishag, Abishai, Abishur, Abital, Abitub, Abiud, Abner, Abraham, Achaicus, Achan, Achim, Achsah, Adalia, Adam, Adbeel, Addar, Addi, Adina, Adino, Adlai, Admatha, Adonibezek, Adonikam, Adoniram, Adonizedek, Adriel, Aeneas, Agabus, Agee, Agrippa, Agur, Aharhel, Ahasbai, Ahban, Aher, Ahiam, Ahian, Ahihud, Ahikam, Ahilud, Ahimoth, Ahinadab, Ahira, Ahisamach, Ahishahar, Ahishar, Ahithophel, Aholiab, Ahumai, Ahuzzam, Ahuzzath, Ahzai, Akan, Alexandria, Allon, Almodad, Alvah, Alvan, Amal, Amalek, Amashai, Amasiah, Amittai, Amminadib, Ammishaddai, Ammizabad, Amok, Amos, Amoz, Ampliatus, Amraphel, Anak, Anammelech, Anan, Anani, Ananiah, Anath, Andrew, Andronicus, Aner, Aniam, Anna, Annas, Antipas, Antothiah, Anub, Apelles, Aphiah, Aphses, Apollos, Apollyon, Apphia, Aquila, Arad, Aran, Araunah, Arba, Archelaus, Archippus, Arcturus, Ardon, Areli, Aretas, Argob, Aridai, Aridatha, Arieh, Arisai, Aristarchus, Aristobulus, Armoni, Arnan, Arodi, Arphaxad, Artaxerxes, Artemas, Artemis, Arza, Asarel, Asarelah, Asenath, Ashbel, Asher, Ashhur, Ashima, Ashkenaz, Ashpenaz, Ashtoreth, Ashvath, Asiel, Asnah, Asnapper, Aspatha, Asriel, Asshur, Asyncritus, Atarah, Athaiah, Athlai, Augustus, Azaliah, Azaniah, Azaz, Azazel, Azbuk, Azel, Aziel, Aziza, Azor, Azzan, Baalberith, Baali, Baalis, Baalpeor, Baalzebub, Baara, Baaseiah, Baasha, Bakbakkar, Bakbuk, Bakbukiah, Balaam, Baladan, Balak, Barabbas, Barak, Barakel, Bariah, Barjesus, Barjona, Barkos, Barnabas, Bartholomew, Bartimaeus, Basemath, Basmath, Bathsheba, Bathshua, Bazluth, Bealiah, Bechorath, Bedad, Bedeiah, Beeliada, Beelzebub, Beera, Beerah, Belial, Belshazzar, Belteshazzar, Benabinadab, Benammi, Bendekar, Bengeber, Benhanan, Benhayil, Benhesed, Benhur, Beninu, Beno, Benob, Benoni, Benzoheth, Bera, Beraiah, Berakah, Bered, Beri, Bernice, Besai, Besodeiah, Beth, Bethuel, Beulah, Bezer, Bichri, Bidkar, Bigtha, Bigthan, Bildad, Bilgai, Bilhah, Bilshan, Bimhal, Binea, Birsha, Birzaith, Bishlam, Bithiah, Biztha, Blastus, Boanerges, Boaz, Bocheru, Bukkiah, Bunah, Buzi, Caiaphas, Cain, Cainan, Canaan, Candace, Carcas, Carpus, Carshena, Castor, Cephas, Cheran, Chilion, Chloe, Christ, Chuza, Cileab, Claudia, Clement, Cleopas, Clopas, Colhozeh, Coniah, Cornelius, Cosam, Coz, Cozbi, Crescens, Crispus, Cushanrishathaim, Cyrus, Dagon, Dalphon, Damaris, Dan, Darda, Darkon, Dathan, David, Debir, Delilah, Demas, Devil, Diana, Diblaim, Dibri, Didymus, Diklah, Dinah, Dionysius, Diotrephes, Dishan, Dodai, Dodavahu, Doeg, Dorcas, Drusilla, Dumah, Ebal, Ebedmelech, Ebenezer, Ebiasaph, Edom, Eglah, Eglon, Ehi, Eker, El, Eladah, Eldaah, Eldad, Elead, Eli, Eliahba, Eliathah, Elidad, Elienai, Elihoreph, Elika, Elimelech, Eliphelehu, Elisha, Elishah, Elishaphat, Elisheba, Elishua, Eliud, Elizabeth, Elizur, Elmadam, Elnaam, Elpaal, Eluzai, Elymas, Enan, Enosh, Epaenetus, Epaphras, Epaphroditus, Ephai, Ephlal, Ephod, Ephrath, Ephron, Eran, Eri, Esarhaddon, Esau, Eshbaal, Eshban, Eshek, Eshtemoa, Eshton, Esli, Esther, Etam, Ethbaal, Ethnan, Ethni, Eubulus, Eunice, Euodia, Eutychus, Eve, Evi, Evilmerodach, Ezbai, Ezekiel, Ezri, Felix, Festus, Fortunatus, Gaal, Gabbai, Gabriel, Gaddi, Gaddiel, Gadi, Gaham, Gahar, Gallio, Gamul, Gareb, Gatam, Gazez, Gazzam, Geber, Gedor, Gehazi, Gemalli, Genubath, Gershon, Geshan, Geshem, Gether, Gethsemane, Geuel, Gibbar, Gibea, Giddalti, Gideon, Gideoni, Gilalai, Ginath, Ginnethon, Gishpa, Goliath, Haahashtari, Habakkuk, Habazziniah, Hacaliah, Hadadezer, Hadassah, Hades, Hadlai, Hagab, Hagabah, Hagar, Haggai, Haggedolim, Haggi, Haggiah, Haggith, Hagri, Hakkatan, Hakupha, Hallohesh, Ham, Haman, Hammedatha, Hammelech, Hammoleketh, Hammuel, Hamor, Hamul, Hamutal, Hanamel, Hannah, Happizzez, Harbona, Hareph, Harhaiah, Harhas, Harhur, Harnepher, Haroeh, Harsha, Harum, Harumaph, Haruz, Hasadiah, Hashabnah, Hashbaddanah, Hashem, Hashenaah, Hashmonah, Hashubah, Hasrah, Hassenuah, Hassophereth, Hasupha, Hathach, Hathath, Hatipha, Hatita, Hattil, Hazael, Hazaiah, Hazarmoth, Hazelelponi, Haziel, Hazo, Hegai, Helah, Heled, Helek, Helem, Heli, Helkai, Helon, Hemam, Hemath, Hemdan, Hen, Henadad, Heresh, Hermas, Hermogenes, Herodias, Herodion, Heth, Hezion, Hezro, Hiddai, Hiel, Hillel, Hirah, Hizki, Hobab, Hobaiah, Hod, Hodesh, Hoglah, Hoham, Hophni, Hophra, Horam, Hosah, Hosea, Hoshama, Hothir, Hubbah, Hul, Huldah, Hupham, Huppah, Huppim, Hurai, Huram, Huri, Hushah, Hushai, Husham, Hushim, Hymenaeus, Ibhar, Ibneiah, Ibri, Ibsam, Ibzan, Ichabod, Idbash, Igdaliah, Ikkesh, Ilai, Imla, Immanuel, Imna, Imrah, Iphedeiah, Ir, Irad, Iram, Iri, Irijah, Irnahash, Iru, Isaac, Iscah, Iscariot, Ishbah, Ishbak, Ishhod, Ishijah, Ishma, Ishmerai, Ishpah, Ishpan, Ishvah, Ismachiah, Israel, Issachar, Ithamar, Ithmah, Ithream, Izhar, Izrahiah, Izri, Izziah, Jaakan, Jaakobah, Jaala, Jaalam, Jaanai, Jaareshiah, Jaasau, Jaasiel, Jaaziah, Jaaziel, Jabal, Jabesh, Jabez, Jachan, Jacob, Jada, Jaddai, Jadon, Jael, Jahdai, Jahdiel, Jahdo, Jahleel, Jahmai, Jahzeel, Jahzeiah, Jahzerah, Jairus, Jakeh, Jalon, Jambres, Jamlech, Jannai, Jannes, Japheth, Jarah, Jareb, Jared, Jarha, Jaroah, Jashar, Jashen, Jashubilehem, Jason, Jathniel, Javan, Jaziz, Jeaterai, Jeberechiah, Jecoliah, Jedidah, Jedidiah, Jeduthun, Jeezer, Jehath, Jehezkel, Jehiah, Jehieli, Jehizkiah, Jehoaddah, Jehoaddin, Jehoash, Jehoiachin, Jehoiakim, Jehosheba, Jehozadak, Jehubbah, Jehucal, Jehudi, Jehudijah, Jekameam, Jekuthiel, Jemimah, Jemuel, Jephthah, Jerah, Jered, Jeremai, Jeriah, Jeribai, Jericho, Jeriel, Jerioth, Jerubbaal, Jerubbesheth, Jerusalem, Jerusha, Jeshebeab, Jesher, Jeshishai, Jeshohaiah, Jesimel, Jesse, Jetheth, Jethro, Jetur, Jeuz, Jezaniah, Jezebel, Jezer, Jeziel, Jezliah, Jezoar, Jezreel, Jibsam, Jidlaph, Joahaz, Joanna, Job, Jochebed, Joda, Joed, Joelah, Joezer, Jogli, Joiakim, Jokim, Jokshan, Joktan, Jonah, Jonam, Jorah, Jorai, Jordan, Jorim, Jorkoam, Josech, Joshah, Joshaviah, Joshbekashah, Joshibiah, Josiphiah, Jozachar, Jubal, Jude, Judith, Julia, Julius, Junia, Jushabhesed, Kallai, Kareah, Kedar, Kedemah, Kedorlaomer, Keilah, Kelaiah, Kelal, Keluhi, Kemosh, Kenan, Kenani, Kerenhappuch, Keros, Kerub, Kesed, Keturah, Keziah, Kimham, Kishi, Kislon, Kohath, Laadah, Laban, Lael, Lahad, Lahmi, Laish, Lappidoth, Leah, Lebanah, Lebbaeus, Lehi, Lemuel, Likhi, Linus, Loammi, Lois, Loruhamah, Lot, Lotan, Lucifer, Lud, Luke, Lydia, Lysanias, Lysias, Maadai, Maadiah, Maai, Maasai, Maath, Maaz, Machbanai, Machbenah, Machi, Madai, Madmannah, Magbish, Magdala, Magdalene, Magdiel, Magog, Magormissabib, Magpiash, Maharai, Mahasham, Mahazioth, Mahershalalhashbaz, Mahlon, Mahol, Maknadebai, Malachi, Malcham, Malchiel, Malchiram, Malchishua, Malchus, Mallothi, Mamre, Manaen, Manahath, Manoah, Maoch, Maon, Mara, Marduk, Mareshah, Mark, Marsena, Martha, Mash, Massa, Matred, Matri, Mattatha, Mattattah, Matthan, Matthew, Matthias, Mebunnai, Medad, Medan, Mehida, Mehir, Mehujael, Mehuman, Melatiah, Melchizedek, Melea, Melech, Memucan, Menahem, Meni, Menna, Meonenim, Meonothai, Merab, Meraiah, Merari, Mered, Meres, Meribbaal, Merodachbaladan, Meshach, Meshech, Meshelemiah, Meshillemith, Meshobab, Meshullemeth, Messiah, Methuselah, Methushael, Mezahab, Mibhar, Mibzar, Mica, Michal, Micri, Midian, Mikneiah, Milalai, Milcom, Mirmah, Misham, Mishmannah, Mispar, Mizraim, Mizzah, Mnason, Moab, Molech, Molid, Mordecai, Moriah, Moses, Muppim, Mushi, Myra, Naam, Naarah, Naarai, Nabal, Naboth, Nachon, Naggai, Naham, Nahamani, Naharai, Nahbi, Nahshon, Naomi, Naphish, Naphtali, Narcissus, Nathanael, Nathanmelech, Nazarene, Nazareth, Nebai, Nebaioth, Nebat, Nebuchadnezzar, Nebusarsekim, Nebushazban, Nebuzaradan, Necho, Nedabiah, Nehushta, Nekoda, Nereus, Nergal, Neri, Neriah, Neziah, Nezib, Nibhaz, Nicanor, Nicodemus, Nicolas, Niger, Nimrod, Nimshi, Nisroch, Nobah, Nod, Nogah, Nohah, Nun, Nympha, Obal, Obil, Ochran, Og, Ohad, Ohel, Oholah, Oholibah, Olympas, Omar, On, Onam, Onan, Onesimus, Onesiphorus, Ophir, Ophrah, Oreb, Oren, Orion, Orpah, Othni, Othniel, Ozni, Paarai, Padon, Pagiel, Pahathmoab, Palel, Pallu, Paltiel, Parmashta, Parmenas, Parnach, Parosh, Parshandatha, Paruah, Pasach, Patrobas, Paul, Paulus, Pedahel, Pedahzur, Pekah, Pekahiah, Pelaliah, Peleg, Peninnah, Peresh, Perez, Persis, Peruda, Peter, Pethuel, Peulthai, Phanuel, Phicol, Philemon, Philetus, Philologus, Phlegon, Phoebe, Phygelus, Pilate, Pildash, Pilha, Piltai, Pinon, Piram, Pispah, Pithon, Pocherethhazzebaim, Pollux, Pontius, Poratha, Porcius, Potiphar, Potiphera, Priscilla, Prochorus, Pua, Publius, Pudens, Pul, Purah, Put, Putiel, Pyrrhus, Quartus, Quirinus, Raamah, Raamiah, Rabmag, Rabsaris, Rabshakeh, Rachel, Raddai, Raham, Rakem, Ramiah, Rapha, Raphah, Raphu, Reba, Rebecca, Reelaiah, Regem, Regemmelech, Rehabiah, Rehoboam, Rei, Remaliah, Rephael, Rephah, Rephan, Resheph, Reu, Reuben, Reumah, Rezia, Rezon, Rhesa, Rhoda, Ribai, Rinnah, Riphath, Rizpah, Rodanim, Rohgah, Romamtiezer, Rosh, Ruhamah, Ruth, Sabtah, Sabtecha, Sachiah, Sallai, Salmon, Salu, Samgarnebo, Samlah, Samson, Sanballat, Saph, Sapphira, Sarah, Saraph, Sargon, Satan, Sceva, Seba, Secundus, Seir, Seled, Semachiah, Semein, Senaah, Sennacherib, Seorim, Serah, Sered, Sergius, Serug, Seth, Sethur, Shaashgaz, Shabbethai, Shaddai, Shadrach, Shage, Shaharaim, Shallun, Shalmai, Shalman, Shalmaneser, Shama, Shamed, Shamgar, Shamir, Shamma, Shamsherai, Shapham, Sharai, Sharar, Sharon, Shashai, Shashak, Shavsha, Sheal, Shealtiel, Sheariah, Shearjashub, Sheber, Shedeur, Shehariah, Sheleph, Shelesh, Shelomi, Shelumiel, Shem, Shemaah, Shemeber, Shemida, Shemuel, Shenazzar, Shepho, Shephuphan, Sherah, Sheresh, Sheshai, Sheshan, Sheshbazzar, Sheth, Shethar, Shetharbozenai, Shilhi, Shillem, Shiloh, Shilshah, Shimeah, Shimeath, Shimeon, Shimon, Shimrath, Shimrith, Shimron, Shimshai, Shinab, Shiphi, Shiphrah, Shiphtan, Shisha, Shishak, Shitrai, Shiza, Shobach, Shobai, Shobek, Shobi, Shoham, Shophach, Shual, Shuham, Shuni, Shupham, Shuppim, Sia, Sibbechai, Sidon, Sihon, Silas, Sisamai, Sithri, So, Soco, Sodi, Solomon, Sopater, Sophereth, Sosthenes, Sotai, Stachys, Stephanas, Stephen, Suah, Succothbenoth, Susanna, Susi, Syntyche, Tabbaoth, Tabitha, Tabrimon, Tahash, Tahpenes, Talitha, Talmon, Tammuz, Tanhumeth, Taphath, Tappuah, Tarea, Tartak, Tattenai, Tebah, Tebaliah, Tehinnah, Tekoa, Telah, Telem, Tema, Temah, Temeni, Terah, Teresh, Tertius, Tertullus, Thaddaeus, Theophilus, Theudas, Thomas, Tiberius, Tibni, Tidal, Tiglathpileser, Tilon, Timaeus, Timon, Timothy, Tiras, Tirhakah, Tirhanah, Tiria, Tirzah, Titius, Titus, Toah, Tobadonijah, Togarmah, Tohu, Toi, Trophimus, Tryphena, Tryphosa, Tubal, Tubalcain, Tychicus, Tyrannus, Ucal, Uel, Ulla, Ur, Urban, Uzai, Uzal, Uzzah, Vaizatha, Vaniah, Vashni, Vashti, Vophsi, Yahweh, Zaavan, Zabbud, Zabud, Zaccai, Zacchaeus, Zaham, Zalaph, Zalmon, Zalmunna, Zanoah, Zaphenathpaneah, Zattu, Zaza, Zebah, Zebedee, Zebidah, Zebina, Zebul, Zebulun, Zeeb, Zelek, Zelophehad, Zemira, Zenas, Zepho, Zeresh, Zereth, Zeri, Zeror, Zeruah, Zerubbabel, Zeruiah, Zetham, Zethan, Zethar, Zeus, Zia, Ziba, Zibia, Zibiah, Zillah, Zilpah, Zimran, Zion, Ziphah, Ziphion, Zippor, Zipporah, Zobebah, Zoheth, Zophah, Zophai, Zophar, Zuar, Zuph, Zuriel, Zurishaddai, The following shows: [the Name-> the Translation-> the Place in the Bible -> the Bible Pronunciation.

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