eeio emission factors
Inventory of u.s. Greenhouse gas emissions and sinks: 19902016. The Use table intersection represents the consumption of the Waste management and remediation services commodity by the Waste management and remediation services industry itself. The correspondence stems from BEA-NAICS relationship table released with national input-output (IO) accounts by BEA10. USEEIO was used by Climate Earth to calculate emissions associated with most purchased goods and services as part of Merck's annual corporate responsibility report. In v2.0, these land use categories are allocated to sectors using BLS employment data43. The relative contribution, rc of a commodity, c, to an impact intensity coefficient from N for a given indicator, n, can be calculated using Eq. 25 is substituted for L and yd Eq. led software development for useeior, developed the crosswalk methodology and wrote the associated section of the manuscript, curated all economic input data, performed model validation, and visualized the results. For example, releases of nitrogen and phosphorous are sourced from the Nitrogen and Phosphorus Release from Agriculture satellite table (NPAG) specifically for agricultural sectors, while data for all other sectors are sourced from the Discharge Monitoring Report via the Point source releases to water satellite table (WATREL). This report, Supply Chain Greenhouse Gas Emission Factors for U.S. Industries and Commodities, describes the preparation of those factors with a background on the modeling associated with this preparation, and presents extensive analysis of the factors, including supporting equations and results in two appendices. A rough estimate will suffice, but if that is not possible, then proceed to step 2 to estimate emissions. Environmentally-extended input-output (EEIO) analysis provides a simple and robust method for evaluating the linkages between economic consumption activities and . PubMed The adjustment matrices (P and ) can be used as desired to transform a coefficient into a more recent dollar year and into purchaser price. 157, 104795, (2020). Bigelow, D. & Borchers, A. The GHG Protocol's Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard (Scope 3 Standard) presents details on all scope 3 categories and requirements and guidance on reporting scope 3 emissions. Electricity and Drinking Water) or construction activities (e.g., Highways, Streets and Bridges, and Utilities Buildings and Infrastructure), which are sectors dominated by domestic activities. The original environmental and employment data were all produced by from flowsa v1.0.126, whereas environmental datasets originally created for v1 USEEIO models5,7 were mapped and reformatted. Sector correspondence between the BEA and NAICS codes, or the Sector Crosswalk, is created to connect the two classification systems and enable mapping from one system to the other. These include values such as the carbon dioxide equivalencies of the flows that are greenhouse gases. More organizations are reaching into their value chains to understand the full GHG impact of their operations. General Motors Carbon Disclosure For v2.0, total value added per industry is taken directly from the same 2012 BEA Use table that is a source for the economic data. This methodology modification follows work by Zeng and Ramaswami and is meant to avoid double counting forest land use with grazing land37. Land use now differentiates urban and rural residential housing land by incorporating values from the Major Uses of Land report36. 4, EI is a emission x industry matrix of national totals of each flow by industry sector in year y, and xz,y is a vector of gross output by industry in year z, given in year y dollars. 10. is a commodity x year price type adjustment matrix prepared using Eq. Official websites use .gov Hospitals and Limited Service Restaurants have moved up in the rankings. Capital letters indicate matrices and lower case letters indicate vectors. Read more about NETL's work here. These sections are disaggregated sequentially, and all the disaggregated components of the tables are combined at the end of the process. Representing the most current conditions feasible given the full national economic scope of the model, and yet wanting to retain a high level of resolution to differentiate between US commodities and their life cycle performance, v2.0 is built upon datasets representing the most current years processed from input data sources. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD) (2021). & Birney, C. useeior. Collectively there are small decreases in ACID in most sectors. As described above, direct SMOG impacts have decreased substantially in these two sectors specifically. The increase in HRSP for Cattle in v2.0 is due to the improved modeling of dust from livestock31. Flow loss may result from invalid NAICS codes. If fuel activity data are available, the fuel-based method should be used, so the factors presented in Tables 2 and 3 would be applicable. EEIO can be a powerful tool for analysing the relation between economic and environmental flows. 20095041 (U.S. Geological Survey, 2009). The attribution methodology for the remaining water categories follows Rehkamp et al.s sector attribution approach46. Birney, C. et al. The largest consumers are residential users (F01000, Personal consumption expenditures final demand) at 24% of total consumption; state and local governments (GSLGO, State and local government and other services) at 13% of total consumption; and Other real estates (531ORE) and the Waste management and remediation services sector itself, both at 8% of total consumption. Technol. Industry underlying estimates. Handbook of methods. For these datasets, the national totals by sector were extracted directly from the published datasets5,7. The Recycling Economic Information Report You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. In v2.0, withdrawals are calculated for 64 crops identified in the 2017 USDA CoA. & Birney, C. USEEIO v2.0.1-411. Coverage of these data used in v2.0 is equivalent to that from v1.2 as seen in Table2. However, the BEA table is insufficient in two aspects: Most BEA codes have explicit correspondence with NAICS codes, but BEA codes in several sector groups, including construction (23), government (G), and final demand (F), are not aligned with specific NAICS industries. The final perspective associates the totals with the final consumption sectors that drove that impact. The model is validated through reproduction of national totals from input data sources and through analysis of changes from the most recent complete USEEIO model that can be explained based on data updates or method changes. However, annual tables are also published at a more aggregated level of detail and with less reported data but with only a ~12 year time lag to help address the time lag limitations12. These factors are intended for quantifying emissions from purchased goods and services using the spend-based method defined in the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Technical Guidance for Calculating Scope 3 Emissions. With the pesticide loss model input data remaining the same, but inflation in the commodity as seen in the P matrix between 2012 (USD year of v2.0) and 2013 (USD year of v1.2) created a lower denominator in v2.0, resulting in a higher pesticide-related impact intensity (since dollar output is in the denominator) for this sector. Household consumption accounts for the largest share of the global anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions. Census of agriculture 2017. However, in v2.0, releases to water also include organic enrichment, sediments, and other compounds tracked within the DMR. The Use table also includes imports, exports, and change in inventories of final commodities as a part of final demand. For MRNL, the only notable changes in the use intensity are the decrease in Dimensional stone and increase in Sand, gravel, clay This can be explained by an error in allocation of the Sand/gravel flows to Dimensional stone rather than to Sand, gravel, clayin v1.2 and prior versions. Industrial water withdrawals in v1.1 were calculated by scaling Canadian water withdrawals for manufacturing by US GDP. In v1.2, MLUs Total Timberland was assigned to timberland, while in v2.0, MLUs Forest-use land not grazed was assigned to timberland. The new commodity names assigned to the BEA codes are part of the primary data record, in the commodities_meta sheet. For the Waste management and remediation services sector, additional data for the specific flows in the GHG satellite table was assigned using an input file, as specified in the WasteDisaggregation_Env sheet of the primary data record. This research was funded by the USEPAs Sustainable and Healthy Communities Research Program. Licensing. This modeling activity may also be referred to as flow sector attribution modeling. TRACIv2.1 for FEDEFLv1. 1a, Electricity followed by Fresh wheat, corn, rice, and other grains remain in the top two places, but Cattle ranches and feedlots has moved into the third place. Ingwersen, W., Li, M., Young, B., Vendries, J. v2 models represent a second generation of USEEIO models built using an improved technical infrastructure9. Therefore, BEA code 1111A0 should be connected to all these NAICS codes in order to form a complete BEA-NAICS correspondence. The matrix M is a flow x sector matrix and contains in each row i the direct plus indirect flows per 1 USD output of the sector in column j. Major Uses of Land in the United States, 2007. (U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2011). The second ranking is done with Hf calculated where y is the US consumption vector, yc (see Eq. Ingwersen, W., Yang, Y., Gilkey, K. & Li, M. USEEIOv1.1 - Satellite Tables. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Summary text. Waste commodity consumption is concentrated within a few sectors, with 55% of the commodity consumed by the top five sectors. Miller, R. & Blair, P. Input-output analysis: Foundations and extensions. 2007 Census of Agriculture. A series of coefficient matrices are provided that are products of combining more than one of the economic, physical flow, and indicator components. In the original analysis, BLM hard rock leases and EIA MECS relied on BEA employee compensation for granular allocation. Toxics Release Inventory 2017. (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2018). This method for creating the A matrix is based on the industry- technology assumption, wherein the manufacture of the primary and any secondary commodities by an industry uses the same production requirements, and the commodity requirements are based therefore on the mix of industries that produce that commodity, weighted by their relative share of total commodity output16. OZON showed decreased or little change in nearly all sectors. An analogous series of direct impact coefficient (D matrix) comparison charts are also provided for interpretation68, but are not analyzed in depth here.
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